Greeting Card Message


Wishing You A Wonderful Birthday

Warmest Birthday Wishes On Your Birthday

Special Birthday Wishes

Congratulations On Your 35th Birthday

Thinking Of You On Your Birthday

Happy Birthday To The Man I Love

Happy Birthday, My Love


I'm in love with you.   (あなたのことが、とってもスキ)

I love only you.   (あなただけがスキ)

Never stop loving me!  (私をずっとスキでいてね)

I'm extremely happy as long as I'm with you.  (あなたといるときは、いつも幸せ)

You're everything to me.    (あなたは私のすべてなの)

You are the most important person to me. (あなたは私にとって、一番大切な人)

Do you love me more then anyone?  (誰よりも私を愛してくれる?)

I can't tell you how happy I am!  (どんなに幸せか、ことばでは言い表せないほどよ)

I think of you day and night.    (あなたのことをいつも考えてる)

I'm crazy about you.  (私はあなたに、首ったけ)


This year I have the best gift ever. I have you in my life! Merry Christmas!

Christmas is always so special because we spend it together. Merry Christmas, darling!

My love, you bring me so much joy. I wish you the best Christmas ever this year!

Christmas is so much more magical when I am with you. Merry Christmas to my treasured one!

Distance cannot change our true love. You are in my heart and spirit this Christmas and always.

If I could only ask for one gift this Christmas, it would be our beautiful relationship! Merry Christmas!

I Love You
Te amo. (スペイン語)

Je t'aimo (フランス語)

Ich liebe dich. (ドイツ語)

Ti amo. (イタリア語)

Jag alskar dig. (スウェーデン語)

Thaim in grabh leat. (アイルランド語)

Ya lyublyu tyebya. (ロシア語)

Wo ai nei. (中国語)

S'agapo. (ギリシャ語)

Ani ohev otakh. (ヘブライ語)

Aloha wau ia oe. (ハワイ語)

Nagligivaget. (エスキモー語)

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