Romantic Movie
から 使えるセンテンス を!!

What Woman Want


Mel Gibson (Nick Marshall)
Helen Hunt (Darcy McGuire)

Kaori の大のお気に入りの映画! DVDを20回以上は見たかしら・・・英会話の勉強に使ったの。映画の中のAndieのキャラクターが、結構Kaori に似てたりしたので、共感を感じたのね。なので。。

Kate Hudson (Andie Anderson)
Matthew McConaughey (Benjamin Barry)
Darcy がNick に電話するシーン

 D : I didn't mean to really call you.
     I had your number here, and I was thinking of you.
     Thinking of calling you.
     Obviously, I did call you.

 N : Oh, no, that's all right.
     I, uh_
     I was thinking about you too.


 D : Nick, may I just say.
    You are an exceptionally great kisser.
    No, I mean really, really great.

 N : Well, I haven't had this much fun making out since...
     I've never had this much fun making out.

 D : Me either.
     Don't let this get weird at work?

 N : No.

 D : We have nothing to be embarrassed about.
     We made out. You and I made out.
     And if I may, it was.....

 N : Sexy as hell.

 D : God. That's just what I was about to say.
 N : But I think I said it first, I think.

 D : Oh, no, you did.

 N : Oh.

 D : Um, well, all right, then.

 On Answering Machine.

 Hi, this is Darcy McGuire.
 I'm not home right now, so please leave a message.
 I'll get back as soon as I can.
バーでAndie & Ben の
 pingpong conversation (*説明)

 B :Hi

 A :Hi

 B :Hi

 A :Andie Anderson

 B :I'm Benjamin Barry

 A :Cute.

 B :Thank you.

 A :I meant your name.

 B :Thank you two times.

 A :Unattached? (you don't have a GF?)

 B :Currently.

 A :Likewise. (me too)

 B :Surprising. (because she is beautiful)

 A :Psycho. (are you crazy?)

 B :Rarely. (not often)

 A :Hmm

 B :Interested?

 A :Perhaps.

 B :Hungry?

 A :Starving.

 B :Leaving?

 A :Now?

 B :Mm-hmm

 A :Okay

 B :Okay

 A :One second.

 B :I'll meet you at the door.
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